More Ideas for a Bluetooth Phone (like the Treo 600)

An idea I had while walking out of the office, “I wish my IM’s would get redirected to me right after I walk out”. So with Bluetooth you could have your phone say hello to the computer you are sitting at and say, “sign on to IM agent”, and then if the phone can’t talk to the computer for 1 minute, it signs on to the IM agent and kicks off the other computer.

Another idea is having the phone store your password/ssh/gpg keyring, and maybe even do the crypto ops on the phone via bluetooth.

Will my vote count for anything?

After reading this interview with Bev Harris about her research into Black box voting, I decided to call my local registare of voters, and asked them what voting machine they use, if they had any plans to replace them, and if they knew about the Diebold controversy. They answered: AVC Advantage (which I plan to read a bit more about), no plans to replace them, and they did now about the Diebold mess.



Wow. These guys are claiming they are gathering stats on most p2p user. What’s intresting is they must have reverse engineered the kazaa stuff long before the open source community did. It also would seem that they are probably running Kazaa Supernodes in order to get this info, thus helping Kazaa users download stuff that the RIAA would rather they not. I bet they don’t tell their customers that.

I don’t think a company like this could exists if something like Overnet became more common place.

Camera in Sunglasses

The world slow catches up to Transmetropolitan. Birthday present suggestion everyone.

More UPnP NAT (now with source code!)

Wow, that was easy. I translated that VB junk that I mentioned in the last post into python, even found the MSDN docs for the object involved:
