From my phonecam: Laura Watching Tv
30 Oct 2003Laura Watching Tv
Before I did this:
import zlib
def crc32(filename):
return "%08x" % zlib.crc32(file(filename, 'r').read())
But in python2.3 that gives a warning:
FutureWarning: %u/%o/%x/%X of negative int will return a signed string in Python 2.4 and up
So I changed it to:
import zlib, binascii, struct
def crc32(filename):
bin = struct.pack('!l', zlib.crc32(file(filename, 'r').read()))
return binascii.hexlify(bin)
I tested these two on a few thousand files and they seem to both have the exact same results.
The Treo 600 came out this week. I want it even tho it has these draw backs:
Internet is not always on - I don’t want silly dialup like support. I want always on broadband. With a static ip. I don’t care if you have to use IPv6 addresses either.
While on the internet calls are diverted to voicemail - this is soooo 90’s :)
No built in Bluetooth - this is one device that could really use it.
Also it looks like someone lost me $300 by not sending in a rebate from on time. :(