17 Sep 2003
In a P2P app (say like Mnet) you need as many full peer (computers that can receive incoming connections as well as outgoing). Lots of homes now have (probably full of security holes) UPnP routers that will allow you to forward incoming connection to comptuers behind it.
I’m trying to learn how to monkey with this. On linux you might need to grok SOAP and learn whatever way M$ broke the standards with that (SOAPAction is a pain in the ass), but on WinXP you should be able to make some w32 api calls and have some COM object do the network calls for you.
So quickly poking around I found Programmatically Controlling a UPnP-Capable Firewall, on how to control port forwarding via COM in VB… and since I want to do this in python I found Quick Start to Client side COM and Python.
If I write some python to do this I will post it here.
16 Sep 2003
From Crackdown May Send Music Traders Into Software Underground:
“The thing about darknets is that the users show more culpability than people who simply use peer-to-peer,” said Randy Saaf, referring to peer-to-peer sharing systems like KaZaA. Mr. Saaf is chief executive of MediaDefender Inc., a music technology company that does work for the record industry. “When people are found to be using them, they will face stiffer penalties.”
I can’t think of any legal reason why this may be. They are already asking for maximum damages from people. Sounds like someone who knows what’s headed his way and is handwaving to stop it.
08 Sep 2003
This was an idea that raph had on #p2p-hackers: Get a DNS server running (I hear Twisted has some stuff to do just this) and copy of a trustmetric like advogato and use it for a TM based DNS lookup. So for example if you lookup zooko.myers.tm.org
you would get what ever IP that I think zooko’s website lives at. Or if you try pynk.zooko.tm.org
you would get Ben Phillip’s IP, even tho zooko doesn’t know Ben, but I know Ben and zooko trust me more than anyone else who knows someone name ‘pynk’.
02 Sep 2003
When I was visiting aritmage and itamar in NYC, I put forth the drunken idea of a OS written in Python. Now some silly person is writing Cleese an OS in python.
I think a neat thing to do with this is have a capabilities based system to handle OS rights. In this system, a webserver wouldn’t be root to bind to a port < 1024, but would get passed a socketobj that was bound to 80 at startup. Also would be given directoryobj for it’s docroot. It would be allowed to create new fileobjs/dirobj from that dirobj. Also the docroot dirobj would be missing an entry for “..”
02 Sep 2003

Tip: Cut and paste this link and send it as an email to yourphonenumber@messaging.sprintpcs.com