P2P articles of note

Two articles worth reading:

Technologists Claim KaZaA Can Filter Copyrighted Works: Someone finally points out Kazaa could be using content fingerprinting, like the TRM that MusicBrainz uses to help users tag their music files. Unfortunatly I don’t see how this would help the content industry if all Kazaa clients were open source (which they all would be pretty quick if something like this was added to Kazaa).

Building bridges between P2P networks: A great idea. I use MLDonkey to get stuff off eDonkey and Kazaa. One of the things we are doing in Mnet is use the CP2PC interface to our daemon. Now that giFT has Kazaa and soon eDonkey it would be neat to use xmlrpc-c to add a CP2PC interface to giFT.

In the new house

This friday we closed on our new house. We moved some stuff in and we are sleeping there. I’m working at Shellbook this weekend, but Laura is painting and unpacking. I have more pictures, but no computer at home to offload them.

One of the great things about living in Harrisonburg is that we have so many friends here. Last night we ate Chinese food with Zeke, Jessie, Josh, Mel, Denver and Keria (the last two we just met), and I was really happy. Plus, 5 minute drive home, versus 1 hour.

Laura met the people moving into our old house. There are really happy with it and it’s a big step up in quality of living for them.

Software of the day: ext2fsd

I got a 160GB drive to replace a failing 120GB one, but since I don’t need the data on the 120GB right now I unplugged it and put it away. Then I took the new drive and made a dup of my music drive and brought it to work. Only problem is there’s no linux box to put it in and it’s formated ext2. Enter ext2fsd. I installed the drive, installed ext2fsd and I could mount my drive. Now I have access to 140GB of music at work and I’m happy.

Only a few problems so far: I tried to get Musik to index all the drive, and the computer just snapped off. Judging by the error I got when WinXP recovered it had to do with ext2fsd. Either WinXP or the driver doesn’t know how to deal with UTF-8 filenames. And last up, sometime renaming files causes weird things.

Christmas shopping with Winship and Parks

Christmas shopping with Winship and Parks

Christmas shopping with Winship and Parks


Christmas shopping with Winship and Parks

Christmas shopping with Winship and Parks

Christmas shopping with Winship and Parks
