30 Mar 2004
This weekend I found enough RAM to put in one of my boxes called “mp3slave” so that it can run mldonkey and btmanager at the same time again. With all the downloads I have they take up about 300mb and will swap like crazy if they have less than that.
Then the other reason I havn’t been using bittorrent kicked in: slow downloads. I had wondershaper up and running but the way I categorized traffic was bad. I knew everythink p2p related was coming from one machine and one user. So on that machine I put
`iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner p2p -j MARK --set-mark 1`
And then got tc
to put those packets into their own class
`/sbin/tc filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 200 handle 1 fw classid 1:20`
So now all the p2p traffic is stuck in one class using no more than 3/4 of my outgoing traffic.
Oh and one more discovery: my outgoing while on dsl was 256Kbit/s, on cable modem it’s 512Kbit/s. Quite a step up.
14 Mar 2004
I found a way on some other site how to remap caps lock to ctrl in windows xp.
Putting it here so I can get to it later, now that my brain has it remapped in
my head. The two links below are regedit files. I don’t know if I’ve tested
the file that clears the remap, but I’m pretty sure it works.
14 Mar 2004
Apache can make it easy for you to give the right mime type for xhtml docs.
# server all files w/ ext .xhtml as application/xhtml+xml to those that can
# handle it
AddType application/xhtml+xml xhtml
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} !application/xhtml\+xml
RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} (text/html|\*/\*)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} .*\.xhtml
RewriteRule ^.*$ - "[T=text/html,L]"
25 Feb 2004
Found while cleaning out some dark recesses of my server:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Downloading of Movies, MP3s and Software is illegal and punishable by law.
We hereby inform you that your computer was scanned under the IP . The contents of your computer were confiscated as an
evidence, and you will be indicated. In the next days you will receive the
charge in writing. In the Reference code: #15007, are all files, that we
found on your computer.
The sender address of this mail was masked, to fend off mail bombs.
- You get more detailed information by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Department for "Illegal Internet Downloads", Room 7350
- 935 Pennsylvania Avenue
- Washington, DC 20535, USA
- (202) 324-3000
Attached was a virus.
31 Jan 2004
One thing I would love to have in my MonoLoco music app is a feature
mentioned at the top of Aaron’s interview “what bands that my friends
like are playing around here in the next week?”. The idea would be that the
app knows your friend because you IM program and email program have been
creating a certialized FOAF file for you (hey maybe your phone is bluetoothing
info about who you talk to the most as well), so you can collect who you talk
to a lot (at least via computer). Hopefull you talk to your friends a lot and
don’t spend all your time flaming people. Then MonoLoco knows who you and your
“friends” listen to (maybe you want to know what the people you flame listen
to as well), using MusicBrainz identifiers to catalog it. It should also
use a yet to be written feature of Musicbrainz to find the bands homepage, and
then MonoLoco will autodiscover their RSS feed with news (which monoloco will
display on screen while you play that bands songs), and another for tour info.
If the tour feed is done will it will have links right to where you can buy a
The UI for deciding who to share your MonoLoco info with would idealy
piggyback your IM client.