Robert Steele

Robert Steele

Robert Steele


Jason And George @ HOPE5

Jason And George @ HOPE5

Jason And George @ HOPE5


Undocumented weird thing with hard links and rename(2)

Try this:

myers@soap:~/tmp$ touch a
myers@soap:~/tmp$ link a b
myers@soap:~/tmp$ mv a b
myers@soap:~/tmp$ ls
a  b

What? Why is “a” still around? Turns out rename(2) will not delete the first file in a rename if the second is linked to the same inode. AND the man page doesn’t say anything.

Free Kaneko!

What’s wrong with the arrest of Isamu Kaneko, author of Winny? I can see the bumper stickers now.

VoIP goes Mobile

VoIP goes Mobile

Here’s how the MG-3 works: first, you have to sign up for VoIP service with a company that resells i2 Telecom’s hardware and network access. You’ll get the MG-3, a little plastic box stuffed with microchips, which you plug into your broadband connection and existing phone line. Then, when you want to make a long distance call with your mobile, you just call your home number. The MG-3 will recognize the mobile’s number using Caller ID, and connect you to i2 Telecom’s VoIP network. You get a second dial tone, and you can make your overseas call.

How soon until there is a debian package of some software that does the same thing?