RailsConf 2008: Saturday Eaily Morning
31 May 2008(mostly randy here again. I was putting up my first ec2 instance. :)
Saturday Keynotes
- funny video from the RailsEnvy guys about testing
DHH introducing Jeremy Kemper
- Jeremy has done a buttload of work lately in the Rails core
- dhh on a coding vacation?
- some people think about one part of rails Jeremy thinks about the whole thing
Jeremy’s talk about Rails 2… where it’s going, etc
- “it’s all about resources”
- “we shed a lot of fat” – split things off into plugins
- “we gained speed” – “i’m not concerned about rails being super super quick” — huh???
- 1600 patches… it’s hard to read all that code! so we embraced git and lighthouse instead of svn and trac
- Rails 2.1
- refactoring
- documentation
- thinner + faster
- (he looks exhausted… too much free five runs beer and cheese pies)
- he wants rails to look pretty.
- use rubyprof
- merging migrations
- making timezones fitter, happier, more productive
- migrations now have change_table block for modifying tables (just like create_table)
- gem dependencies
- improved memcache… making it a first-class citizen in rails. memcache-client now bundled with rails
- much of what he’s covering Myers read in this tutorial on rails 2.1
- dirty – AR now knows when an attribute has changed
- message.body_changed?
- message.body_was
- message.changed?
- enables partial updates
- smarter :include — it’s not as eager to join on the first query. this seems like it will be slower, but benchmarking supposedly proves that querying the join table on an as-needed basis is faster
- named_scope
- so you can say user.messages.recent instead of user.recent_messages by saying named_scope :recent, :order -> 'created_at desc’ in the Message model
- Message.scoped(:limit => 10)
- jruby -S jetty_rails (run rails on jruby)
- rbx script/server (run rails on rubinius)
- rails now runs on ruby 1.9
- rails 2.1 out today (a gem update at 10:14am didn’t do anything tho… it will be later… so not a Steve Jobs “and you can buy it right now”)