RailsConf 2008: Friday Night Keynote
30 May 2008
DHH keynote
- surplus of productivity
- company’s needs that special in the problems we encounter
- We ceded flexibility
- “people like choices a lot more than they like to choose” – dhh, just now
- why is this not in the framework, someone make this choice for me
- we decided tech matters
- “great people rarely fail because of poor technology” – but come on, do you want to just “not fail”?
- we cared about us
- “ruby is designed to make programmers happy” – matz
- the surplus will not last forever
- why? the mainstream will copy rails (dhh doesn’t think so)
- dramatic alternative arrives (dhh doesn’t think so)
- rails becomes the mainstream
- business as usual – which is blowing your surplus, running at 110% all the time
- another day, another fire
- Lost in the mechanics – when running at 110% means you can’t see anything else
- fatigued, disinterested, passionless
- it’s just a job – most depressing statement
- one place to invest that will pay back: you
- 1:10 programmer productivity
- no one is born a rock star programmer, you become it
- recharge tangentially – or some other word, do something else besides sit in front of a computer all day: making spoons, play the banjo, fly a plane
- can’t just focus on one muscle
- speaking about taking people to the next level: sleep more (applause)
- stop to read paper
- suggested reading
- my job went to india (and all i got was this lousy book)
- implementation patterns
- innovator’s dilemma
- tufte’s envisioning information
- all this helps you judge what is valuable or not
- is this lack of a seam on the iphone what matters.
- program less
- when you have only 10 hours to program a week, you know what matters
- sometimes good to start a project from scratch
- share: you benefit from the sharing
- “the purpose of playing this game well is to be able to get the best position of the next game” – alistair cockburn, 1999
- 4 day work week means more focus
- summary: this surplus is not going to last forever don’t blow it all on hookers and fur coats