On the way to Rails on Canada
12 Apr 2006I’m in IAD airport on the way to Canada on Rails. I have gummi bears (Haribo, to be exact. the good kind), coke (I don’t drink caffeine often so lightweight there too), iPod, the Rails book and a laptop. Noticably missing is internet because T-Mobile wants $10 for the hour I would be here (note to self: find out of RS has an account with them).
The camera is in my checked baggage or I’d share one with you to share the dullness.
My rental car to get from the 'burg to IAD was an upgrade. Asked for compact, got the luxury (2006 Buick something-or-other). Very nice ride.
Next stop is Phoenix (!!), going to see if I can get Collaboa up and running replacing the svn swig wrapper with some Ruby DL code.