Read the Laws before you pass them

I think this DownsizeDC idea is great:

To this end we have created the “Read the Bills Act of 2005 (RTBA).” RTBA requires that . . .

  • Each bill, and every amendment, must be read in its entirety before a quorum in both the House and Senate.

  • Every member of the House and Senate must sign a sworn affidavit, under penalty of perjury, that he or she has attentively either personally read, or heard read, the complete bill to be voted on.

  • Every old law coming up for renewal under the sunset provisions must also be read according to the same rules that apply to new bills.

  • Every bill to be voted on must be published on the Internet at least 7 days before a vote, and Congress must give public notice of the date when a vote will be held on that bill.

  • Passage of a bill that does not abide by these provisions will render the measure null and void, and establish grounds for the law to be challenged in court.

  • Congress cannot waive these requirements.

If they just get the “Full text must be on the Internet for 7 days done” that would be a revolution. I’m sure Newt is unhappy has not been extended to it full potential.