dbs@philodox.com or "I thought *I* read a lot"

Yesterday I subscribed to Bob Hettinga’s Digital Bearer Settlements list. Today I have 120+ emails from that list all from Bob, almost all articles from papers. I think Bob might have taken a speed reading course. He uses the list like I use a blog, but instead of links he posts the interesting content in full.

It makes for some interesting reading, but unfortunately not much about real, working DBS systems out there. Perhaps because there are none.

On another sad note: Bob’s baby, the Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation, which he founded in 1999 to underwrite DBSettlements isn’t in good shape:

[…] Hope all the winch grinding will keep me from fretting about how to dig IBUC out of a very big, and imminent, hole. Sigh… […]


A collection of articles by Bob The Geodesic Economy (300k PDF file) is soon to be required reading for carring on a cohereant conversationt with me (no really, go read an article a day, this is really good stuff).
